Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 1 = DONE!

Today is supposed to be the resting day. But, yesterday I was making excuses and didn't get my exercise in. I was tired and went back to bed after Ernie went to work. The rest of the day I felt like shit. I ate carbs, sugar... its like my being tired and giving in (for a whole hour extra of sleep=not enough) set the mood and made me more vulnerable to making bad choices throughout the day. Now that I got even LESS sleep, and DIDN'T make any excuses, I feel like I let myself down yesterday. My legs were hurting from the previous days routine in a way that my legs have never hurt before. I let that be the catalyst to a craptastic day. I will not let that happen again. For me, getting up and doing my exercise in the morning before anyone else gets up is KEY. If I don't get/stay up, its just not going to happen. So I know now that if I am going to stick with this for 90 days, I need to discipline myself to get up to get it done. 

Side note, I got my Dymatize Nutrition Elite 12-Hour Protein Powder in and got to try it today post workout. It tastes good, but I cant chug it. I put a little more milk in it than it said to, then needed ice to make it colder. Its just one of those things that needs to be really cold. It doesn't taste as good as the Slim Fast I was drinking, but this is supposed to be better for after working out. Plus taking my multivitamin and eating a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies... It should make a difference. Although not yet. I am only down a half a pound for the week. But I guess its better than gaining. I feel like the workout I am doing isn't enough just yet. Probably because its not as intense as I need it because my body cant do it as intense as they can. Everyday I do one of the videos I feel like I am getting the hang of something or pushing myself a little more at one or two of the exercises. Today I was able to do all the kicks with them at their pace without breaks. I haven't been able to do that before today. I also did the crunches better than I have done them in the past. So, I guess I am seeing results in that respect. I can also do the Power Yoga all the way through like they can. Before I was dead after the second rep. Granted I'm not doing it all exactly like them yet, but I can get in the poses better than I could before. So, instead of resting today, I did my day 6 workout and will resume the normal schedule tomorrow. Maybe once I feel like I am getting the hang of it a little more I can run some after the sculpt program. Its mostly arms so my legs can handle the running afterwards. Lets see how this shake makes me feel. Because typically I hit a few walls throughout the morning. The lack of energy is a downer for sure. 

Also, new recipes tried this morning were wonderful. Broccoli Cauliflower fritters and a Strawberry Coconut milk smoothie. Yum.
I used mozzarella cheese instead and didnt make the dip. Just used hot sauce.
Just added almond slices until i can make some almond butter today. 

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