Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 4

Well, its day 4 and I'm still doing it. So I guess that's a good sign. This program has 2 videos. And you alternate them back and forth for 6 days and rest on the 7th. Oh I cant wait til Sunday.  REST. Day 2 which was my first day of the cardio/abs workout went horribly. IDK why really. My mood was horrible I guess going into it. Rushed? I was being watched.. hadn't eaten yet... a bunch of things could have snowballed into a big bag of failure. Or at least it really felt that way. Today I did the same program and it went considerably better. I felt more coordinated and was able to do more reps of each one and keep up with them for the most part. The Abs at the end still suck and It will be a while before it doesn't hurt so bad to do them. I'm doing modified ones for now but it still hurts like hell. Im gonna hurt from it tomorrow. I'm doing ok with the diet part. I'm not "dieting" per say  but eating healthy. Lots of veggies, way less carbs. Snacking on time with healthy options to keep me from raiding the chocolate stash. I still feel like I am in a fog. Not sure how long that is going to last. At least another week Id assume. Until this workout stuff actually GIVES me energy, not takes it away. Because right now it just makes me want to sleep. But for now I just "keep pushing play" and try to be as prepared as I can. 

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