Sunday, February 10, 2013

End of week 2

Today is the last day of week 2. Today is also supposed to be the rest day, but since I slacked and didnt work out yesterday I did both Sculpt and Sweat this morning. I did skip the power yoga in Sweat though. My arms were just too "jello" to hold my huge body up. So fast forwarded to the legs and went from there to the end. I made sure to pause between each crunch to make sure I got in as many as I could. So it took about an hour and 20 minutes to do both. Felt good to sweat though! I made the broccoli and cauliflower fritters again this morning for breakfast. Yum. Had my shake after the workout. And have had 2 cups of coffee. Going to need to make another pot, I'm sure.

I feel pretty good finishing out the week. I am hoping to still see some small results in numbers when I weigh in and measure tomorrow morning. A small improvement is still a step forward. So I am hoping to have good news to report tomorrow. I am trying to get a friend or two to sign up for the next go round of Power 90/P90x. This is all self paced. There are no classes to drive to, or no meetings to attend. You do this in your house and you take responsibility of your diet and routine. The online group is there for support, questions that you might need answered, recipe ideas, alternate exercise ideas... really any question you might have. We support each other and encourage each other. You know that you have someone to always cheer you on. Coach Suzanne has been there for every question I have had. If you have ever wanted to start a program and just needed that little extra push, this is the time to do it. I cant tell you how much better I feel. Even being only 2 weeks into the program, Its made a huge difference.

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