Friday, February 15, 2013


Today I am exhausted. Most of the week I didnt exercise for one reason or another. Ernie's birthday was Wednesday and he was off so it was VERY easy to be lazy. At least when he goes to work I have to get up early. So I did  my work out on Tuesday, but not Wed/Thurs so today was rough. Its like I started all over again. Especially with the fish fry wed that we ate which wasnt on the diet. So my arms hurt and are very tired but I am going to try to at least walk on the treadmill for a little while. At the moment I just want to shower and nap but I have to get Ej ready for school. I think another cup of coffee is in order. Tomorrow will be easier. And I need a different resistance band. This one is too easy. I dont feel the burn with quite a few exercises right now and I know I should. I think we will sign up for the Pirates 5K coming in April. Not sure if that will be the first one we do this year, but I know I need to get my bum in gear so I can beat my time from last year. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

End of week 2

Today is the last day of week 2. Today is also supposed to be the rest day, but since I slacked and didnt work out yesterday I did both Sculpt and Sweat this morning. I did skip the power yoga in Sweat though. My arms were just too "jello" to hold my huge body up. So fast forwarded to the legs and went from there to the end. I made sure to pause between each crunch to make sure I got in as many as I could. So it took about an hour and 20 minutes to do both. Felt good to sweat though! I made the broccoli and cauliflower fritters again this morning for breakfast. Yum. Had my shake after the workout. And have had 2 cups of coffee. Going to need to make another pot, I'm sure.

I feel pretty good finishing out the week. I am hoping to still see some small results in numbers when I weigh in and measure tomorrow morning. A small improvement is still a step forward. So I am hoping to have good news to report tomorrow. I am trying to get a friend or two to sign up for the next go round of Power 90/P90x. This is all self paced. There are no classes to drive to, or no meetings to attend. You do this in your house and you take responsibility of your diet and routine. The online group is there for support, questions that you might need answered, recipe ideas, alternate exercise ideas... really any question you might have. We support each other and encourage each other. You know that you have someone to always cheer you on. Coach Suzanne has been there for every question I have had. If you have ever wanted to start a program and just needed that little extra push, this is the time to do it. I cant tell you how much better I feel. Even being only 2 weeks into the program, Its made a huge difference.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Fell off the wagon for a day

Monday when I did the Sculpt program I felt really good so I decided to run after. Well, apparently I pushed it a little too far and strained a muscle right above my left knee. It hurt pretty good that day, but tuesday after I did sweat with all those leg lifts it hurt MUCH worse. Like, it was hard to walk up and down stairs. So, Wednesday I went back to Sculpt which is all arms and didn't bother it.But it wasn't any better, either. Yesterday should have been sweat again but I  decided to rest for the day. Even yesterday when I woke up it felt much better. Today its like I had no pain at all. So I got back into the normal routine and did Sculpt again. Tomorrow doing the sweat program will test to see if its all good. If not, I just wont push it. 

It truly seems that getting up in the morning is key for me. Not sticking with my routine, yesterday was a horrible day. I was tired, just wanted to eat junk... (and didnt eat healthy) and it was overall just a craptastic day. Getting up, getting less sleep, working out... I honestly feel better. Even if Im not pushing myself as hard as I could, the routine itself makes me feel better. Plus, now Im totally intrigued about what I ate yesterday because today I feel like a ball of histamine. My arms itch, my hands exema are flaring up again... I feel a difference. Maybe its just a coincidence. Maybe not. I know food has a direct effect on how I feel. Eating healthy for a week then loading up on carbs makes me feel like sleeping for 10 hours. Not good. So, Im going to try to not fall off the healthy eating wagon at least. Although I did stay away from the chocolate yesterday. And that, is HUGE for me. haha 

Also, I modified a pancake recipe this morning to make it gluten free. It worked awesome. I will probably never buy pancake mix again. The kids wont know the difference. We use sugar free syrup to start with so as long as they have that, they wont care.

Power Pancakes:

1 cup Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free Flour mix
1/4 cup quick cooking oats ( I used rolled oats and it worked fine, but Ive also used granola cereal)
3 tsp baking powder
1 cup skim milk (today I used the last of the coconut milk)
3 TBSP canola oil ( dont have canola, used veg oil)
1 TBSP honey
1 egg. 

Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl, mix the rest in another, add the wet to the dry. Makes 4  pretty big pancakes. Serving size is 2 pancakes.

This really is filling too. Usually pancakes dont fill up my hubby, but these do. The original recipe is exactly the same except it calls for 1 cup of wheat or buckwheat flour. I made it with the wheat last time. But this time decided to try to sub the gluten free stuff. And it worked perfectly 1:1. The batter seems a little thinner than I would usually make it if I used a pancake mix, but it really works great. 

So today, I am now fighting to get back into the swing of things. Its amazing how much of a difference a day makes.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 2 Begins and Measurements

Today is the start of week 2. As much as I dont want to get out of bed at 4:45/5am, its very necessary to get me moving early so I can get my workout in. Today was Sculpt 1-2 and I feel like I can stretch more and farther than before. I was able to do the push ups MUCH better than this time last week. They are still VERY modified, but I was doing horrible at the modified ones, now I feel like Im doing them more correctly and they are actually doing something. Feels like I am accomplishing something. I only lost about a half pound, so says the scale, but I took my measurements this morning and I lost 2 inches on my hips!!!!! Which I obviously have a lot to lose on. I lost a little bit just about everywhere.

It doesnt really matter what number is what, all that matters is that they are going DOWN!

So I keep pushing play and keep moving. The next 2 days will be "harder" because Ernie is off and I will get to sleep in a little. So I wont want to get up at 7 like I should so I can workout. But.. .I will. I need to. I need to see even better results next week. It actually makes me feel like its working when I dont "see" any results otherwise just yet. Im sure it will take a little longer for my clothes to fit differently. But for now, I am very happy with these results.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

My motivation "video"

I am much better at typing out my feelings. I can become an emotional ball of goo when I talk about personal things. So, here is the transcript to my video that would be if I made one. I took the before pictures, just didnt make the video.

Today is the end of week one of my Power 90 transformation. I am hoping to lose weight, gain muscle and live healthier lifestyle. We don't eat all that bad to start with, but I know there is a lot of room for improvement as well. My main motivation is my kids. I have 3 beautiful babies whom are my world. I want to do this for them. My mom was overweight growing up and while I dont remember it hindering my childhood persay, I dont really have any memories of us doing anything fun together. I want to make memories with my kids that they can cherish. Not be on the sidelines while they make memories on their own. My husband is also a motivator to be healthier. I know he loves me no matter what. But I also know that I loved the way he looked at me and smiled more when I wasn't this heavy. I want to feel good about myself and I want him to be able to make me feel good again. These days I just feel like he loves me because he has to. I know thats not true but its hard not to feel that way when you are so unhappy with the way you look. I had weight issues all through school and took pills to lose it my senior year. I was a smoking size 8 for my senior prom and never felt better. I loved how I felt and I want to get back to that. Or at least as close as possible. I truly feel like I now have a food addiction and I need to relearn how to feed my body the correct way. Its like I know how, but I just cant seem to do it. I dont have the discipline. So that is one of the things I am hoping to gain from this 90 day challenge. My family really is my life. I want to do this for them and for me. Thankfully you cant see the tears running down my face. Just know that I really want to do this. More than anything right now. I have failed too many times before. Im sick of failing. I hope that the friends who will read this will help motivate me to keep going. Even when the times get hard. Thank you to my coach Suzanne for letting me into the group, giving me that extra shove to really get moving and get healthy. 

Week 1 = DONE!

Today is supposed to be the resting day. But, yesterday I was making excuses and didn't get my exercise in. I was tired and went back to bed after Ernie went to work. The rest of the day I felt like shit. I ate carbs, sugar... its like my being tired and giving in (for a whole hour extra of sleep=not enough) set the mood and made me more vulnerable to making bad choices throughout the day. Now that I got even LESS sleep, and DIDN'T make any excuses, I feel like I let myself down yesterday. My legs were hurting from the previous days routine in a way that my legs have never hurt before. I let that be the catalyst to a craptastic day. I will not let that happen again. For me, getting up and doing my exercise in the morning before anyone else gets up is KEY. If I don't get/stay up, its just not going to happen. So I know now that if I am going to stick with this for 90 days, I need to discipline myself to get up to get it done. 

Side note, I got my Dymatize Nutrition Elite 12-Hour Protein Powder in and got to try it today post workout. It tastes good, but I cant chug it. I put a little more milk in it than it said to, then needed ice to make it colder. Its just one of those things that needs to be really cold. It doesn't taste as good as the Slim Fast I was drinking, but this is supposed to be better for after working out. Plus taking my multivitamin and eating a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies... It should make a difference. Although not yet. I am only down a half a pound for the week. But I guess its better than gaining. I feel like the workout I am doing isn't enough just yet. Probably because its not as intense as I need it because my body cant do it as intense as they can. Everyday I do one of the videos I feel like I am getting the hang of something or pushing myself a little more at one or two of the exercises. Today I was able to do all the kicks with them at their pace without breaks. I haven't been able to do that before today. I also did the crunches better than I have done them in the past. So, I guess I am seeing results in that respect. I can also do the Power Yoga all the way through like they can. Before I was dead after the second rep. Granted I'm not doing it all exactly like them yet, but I can get in the poses better than I could before. So, instead of resting today, I did my day 6 workout and will resume the normal schedule tomorrow. Maybe once I feel like I am getting the hang of it a little more I can run some after the sculpt program. Its mostly arms so my legs can handle the running afterwards. Lets see how this shake makes me feel. Because typically I hit a few walls throughout the morning. The lack of energy is a downer for sure. 

Also, new recipes tried this morning were wonderful. Broccoli Cauliflower fritters and a Strawberry Coconut milk smoothie. Yum.
I used mozzarella cheese instead and didnt make the dip. Just used hot sauce.
Just added almond slices until i can make some almond butter today.