Sunday, December 29, 2013

Im gonna make a change, for once in my life.

Im one of those people who lives through music. Its always been a passion of mine. I love to sing, I love to jam out to something random, old or new. Im pretty addicted to the music shows on tv but I usually wait until the get to the top 20 or so because I cant stand watching the horrible auditions. lol 

Have you ever heard a song that you have heard a thousand times and REALLY listened to it? Like, for once it really strikes a chord? Well my epiphany came today. Finally catching up on DVR stuff and watching the season finale of The Sing Off and one of the groups did "Man in the Mirror". I have listened to it many times, know some of the words, great tune. The acapella version is beautiful. But this time I actually HEARD it, and FELT it. There are so many things that I want to change about my life. Dont get me wrong, I dont have much to complain about. But I know some things can be changed and improved upon. But the only way thats going to happen is if I change them. It has to start with me. Its like I have found that anthem. This song will be everywhere. The moment I feel like Im not getting anywhere or that Im starting to burn out, this song will play and remind me that change only happens if I make it happen. And Ive listened to this song like 4 times already today and it just makes me cry it is so powerful for me. Some anger of why I didnt start and keep making these changes last year or long before. But damnit, I am going to make them now. Starting yesterday, baby steps until the 6th. Then its on like Donkey Kong.